Saturday, July 21, 2012

La fête des familles !

Bonjour à tous !

As I mentioned in the previous blog entry, this past Wednesday was our Fête des familles (our end of the séjour spectacle in Saint-Brieuc). Each and every stagiaire worked hard during the past six weeks to put together an amazing night in an attempt to thank the host families for everything they have done to make this summer memorable.

Although it is always nice to see photos of the events, I decided (with the help of Ryan and his camera that works MUCH better than mine...Thanks Ryan!) that it would be a great idea to try to record the entire show for both your and the stagiaires' benefit. Of course, since they were all done by hand...they are a bit... well... shaky, to say the least. For that, I apologize. They should nevertheless be relatively tolerable to watch. :)

With that said, below you will find the links to the separate performances that will take you directly to the video on our YouTube site (which are only accessible to those who follow/know the link):

Pub: Bienvenue à Saint-Brieuc

We decided to use the stagiaires' imagination and creativity to our advantage and had them each (in groups) come up with a sort of commercial (publicité) to preform before and after the main parts of the show. This particular pub discusses the various activities that one can do while in Saint-Brieuc.

Pub: Il y a un tub pour ça !

This pub talks about one of the main transportation systems of Saint-Brieuc, the Tub!

Les étuis du doute

This play is a sort of mise en abîme which recounts a very interesting story about an author and his latest novel.  Due to some camera difficulties, this is split into various pieces, which can be found by clicking the links below:

Pub: La salle de bains

Here, we explore the various differences that exist between our bathrooms at home, and those in France.

Pub: Vous avez besoin d'un dictionnaire !

As the title implies (translated from French: You need a dictionary!), this spot discusses just how useful a dictionary can be.

"Comptine d'un autre été: L'après-midi"

A couple of our stagiaires offered to demonstrate their personal talents by playing a piece of music that they found particularly interesting, or, simply, that they enjoyed. Here, we see Robin playing "Comptine" by Yann Tiersen, made popular by the French film Le fableux destin d'Amélie Poulin.

La chorale

As you saw in the post about the meeting at the Town Hall, some of the stagiaires have been working these past six weeks on a variety of songs in both French and Breton. Check out the links below:

Pub: Les excursions

Check out this vid, where we get a taste for what to expect when visiting some of the places we got to see during our time here.

Pub: Le beurre breton

A commercial in which a couple stagiaires explore the many uses of one of Bretagne's most essential food.

Le Cygne de Saint-Saëns

Here, you can see Chloe playing Le cygne (the swan) on the cello.

Conversation-sinfonietta by Jean Tardieu

This play is the one I worked on personally with the stagiaires. It deals with the various musings of an orchestra.

In fact, it actually goes without saying that I am proud of every single stagiaire, not only for the effort that they put into making this show memorable for themselves and for the families, but also for the incredible progress they have all made.


With that said, we are now in Paris! This means that I will do my best to find time to update here, but if not, just know that it is due to the fact that we are all busy enjoying ourselves and seeing the sights!

I think that is all for the time being!

Bonne journée,


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